The escape of pharaoh in his body alone ...

Pharaoh was a tyrant of his age, but God's will was to drown pharaoh leave a big miracle

            Pharaoh was a tyrant of his age, but God's will was to drown pharaoh and deliver his body to be seen by our age so that he became a phenomenon that puzzled the scientists, pharaoh's body was still in its perfect shape, in a way that amazed the scientists who supervised on analysis of his corps, how did he escape in his body in spite of his drowning? How was he pulled out from the sea depth and come to us today? This is mentioned in a great verse in the Quran which was a reason of embracing Islam by one of the western scientist! Almighty Allah said:
92. So this day WE shall deliver your (dead) body (out of the sea) that you may be a sign to those who came after you!  And verily, many among mankind are heedless of our verses). [Yunus sura] .

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

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